Why Join OSM


continuously striving for synergy between technology, system, and human resources to provide products and services that meet

Quality, Performance, Customer Aspirations and Delight.

In the process, we maintain the highest standards of ethics and social duties.

We constantly innovate products and processes while forming teams that keep the energy to take the business to perfection.

Amongst the leading E-mobility Companies

With world-class products and services, we have established ourselves as a well known global brand for high-quality products and services.


Intelligent Human Capital

We believe Human Capital is the most valuable asset and strive to enhance the capabilities of people that would create a quality workforce. We are committed to providing full encouragement and support to them to enhance their potential and contribution to the business. If you are one of those ambitious, enthusiastic people aspiring to progress in life and grow, OSM is ‘the’ place for you.


Career Growth

We train our employees to achieve an international level of professionalism with progressive career development and immense growth opportunities. The clarity in the grading system provides a well-mapped career path for each level.


Training Opportunities

The Training Policy is stemmed from the idea that when the employees learn, they contribute to the company, and when an organization grows, it, in turn, contributes to society. The purpose is to magnify abilities to manage greater responsibilities, be up-to-date with industry trends and build a culture of constant learning.

Performance Driven Firm

Performance is the factor for the growth of people & that catapult’s the organization into a growth trajectory. We define our culture as caring and performance-oriented. We’re passionate about generating excited clients and creating a better tomorrow. Still, we are committed to doing so with our team members’ best interests in mind – providing a family-oriented, open and collaborative environment where all can succeed.


Open-Communication Channel

We believe in an open-door policy in which anyone, from a junior most team member upwards, can articulate his thoughts, come forward with an idea, and approach anyone at any level. We aim to create an environment that facilitates ideas, rewards performance and handholds and nurtures new talent for long association.


Equal Opportunity Employer

Omega Seiki Mobility is proud to be an equal employment opportunity employer who is and will always be committed to creating a genuinely inclusive workplace with a culture that values, respects and encourages diversity. Our organization is committed to applying equal opportunities policy at all stages of recruitment and selection. Unless lawfully allowed for certain specific posts, shortlisting, interviewing, and selection will always be carried out without regard to gender, marital status, colour, race, nationality, nationality, ethnic or national origins, religion or belief, age or trade union membership. We rigorously live by the policy of meritocracy when it comes to all the employment practices in our company.

Culture & Diversity Inclusion

We at OSM believe in providing equal chance, regardless of caste, class, special needs, gender and religion.

We believe in establishing a tone for creators and innovators who bring their diverse skill sets, thus forming a homogeneous environment representing society.


Fair and Transparent Organization

With precise performance goal setting, objective performance evaluation system, feedback mechanism, open communication

and access to HRIS, we promote a fair & transparent work culture.






Work-Life Balance

We at OSM believe that a good work-life balance is not only limited to giving importance to work and family, but it is also about giving importance to the things that one loves doing on a personal level. Therefore, we empower our employees to split their time and energy between work and other vital areas for a perfectly balanced life.

Life at Omega Seiki Mobility

At OSM, we thrive to become a game-changer in the field of electric mobility. We have a legacy of being a clear-cut and people-friendly organization. Each member of our organization has a sense of ownership, making them accountable for enhancing the business. We help our team members grow, not just for themselves but also for their families, society, the environment, and nation.

We are looking for genuinely enthusiastic folks who can transform difficulties into possibilities, believe in themselves, and are capable of taking on any path! We need candidates who have an intrinsic passion for learning, developing, changing, innovating to create one success story after another and be OSM with us!

Look if we currently have opportunities to fit your bill or keep coming back to check as opportunities wait for none.



Every day, we at OSM realize our dream of becoming bigger and better.

Live the OSM Dream!

To view and apply to current openings, click here.


HR Vision

At Omega Seiki Mobility, the HR practices are founded on the critical values of building a work culture & conditions where employees trust their leadership, appreciate people they work with and feel pride in their work. To attract talent, the HR system continuously expands the Human Capital to meet Business Challenges.





Respect and Abide by the law of the land.

All employees must be responsible citizens and live by the land’s law in their personal and professional lives.


Follow the Code of Conduct & Keep Highest Standards of Integrity

The company has laid down a code of conduct in dealing with its clients, business people and other stakeholders, including co-employees with whom they interact in the course of conducting business.


Every Employee will be Treated Fairly.

Every employee will be adequately heard and treated with fairness for any grievance resolution.

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